Emile Smith Rowe

imagine we are signing another CM while Ode and Rice had already locked 2 out of 3 positions, and Kai is Arteta’s favorite. We already have 4 (if not counting Trossard) logging major minutes in 3 positions.

How ESR and Vieira will get enough minutes to get their form and confidence back?
Unless they are going to be the wide players.

They future is dark here, darker than OA After Dark.

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Nwaneri is available, hungry and less expectant of minutes. ESR and Vie*** have to be looking at being starting 11 players at this stage of their career.


Precautionary measures

He’s back on the bench


Someone reset the “Time since last injury” clock.

Injury on its way in 3…2…1


So close man, why did that prick Burn get involved?

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That run in the end was impressive.
He will soon be a good option to bring in like Trossard.

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If this mofo can stay fit…

Showed his quality tonight. Everyone was willing him to score at the end. He still has a future at Arsenal!


his ball carrying looks good tonight

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I think he has to go this summer, just for his own good. He has had two years of hardly playing football. Obviously he needs to stay fit but he also needs to be in a situation where he is first choice when healthy and that ship has sailed at Arsenal.

But I really hope he stays fit this spring and has a big moment or two that help us achieve something massive.


Would you sell if a £30m offer comes in for him? Remember he’s injury prone…

The thing is, if Odegaard gets injured (and let’s hope he doesn’t), isn’t ESR the next best option in that position?

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ESR looks to have bulked up a bit, he is a talent and can have an important role in the squad. If he remains fit to the end of the season, no way id wanna sell.

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Still an excellent Premier League player but it does feel like his time at Arsenal is coming to an end unless he starts putting those chances away.

I did love his run down the left, making something out of nothing.


Will Smith Rowe score another goal for Arsenal?

He did everything right to score last night, beat the keeper and was unlucky to have the defender there for a goal line clearance…

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I know. In most of his cameos this season he’s got himself into great positions to score. But he needs goals otherwise they’ll see him as dispensable imo

Tough to say who is really the best alternative for Ode because we have no one who played that role consistently enough.

ESR, Trossard, Havertz, Vieira they all are candidates for that role, but every one of thel lacks something.

I think Zinchenko could play there too, and isn’t a worse alternative for Ode than any of those (actually he could be the best one).
What Ode mostly brings to us, besides his pressing capacity, it the ability to draw a lot of oppontents to hiđ and he’s very comfortable in thight areas, under pressure. Zinchenko is closest to him im that department probably.

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from now to summer, we have a bit time to evaluate him.

hope he can stay healthy long enough.
either he is useful for us for the remaining season; or he get us some good money.