Emile Smith Rowe

I thought he had a good impact coming on for Havertz. Seemed to interlink with others straight away and got himself into the box many times too.

Might be a great player to turn to for sub appearances to start with.


If we destroy them and he has a semi good game. This could be the start of him getting a good streak of games. He has to stay fit tho

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Need more from you Emile. Take a risk.

Felt he did well today. Didnā€™t stand out, but a solid performance. Still needs to build his fitness. Good showing after being out of the starting XI for so long.



Did okay, but thatā€™s not a performance that gets him in the team on Sunday.

Good to see him start a game.

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He was ok without being special, but I must say he looked better than I expected 2nd half when I thought heā€™d really tire.

Canā€™t believe I used to think this guy was the next big thing. Tremendously bad take from me there.

He is done. Only had 60 mins against Forest in him. If we can get 20m for him its very very good business


If heā€™s injured again, his tenure here is surely done. What a shame, great talent. Less availability than Jack Wilshere. :tired_face:

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Why would anyone pay money for a guy who canā€™t play 15mins?

Heā€™s basically worthless like Tierney.

Turned his ankle

Fucking hellā€¦ :rofl:

Ankle sprains usually take a minimum of one month to recover right?

@Leper jinxed the lad. He may actually not start another game for us.

Poor kid. His body is just not built for professional football. Sad cus thereā€™s real talent there

Not usually although it depends whether is is lateral (not as problematic. Maybe a week of so and tape it up) or medial (4 weeks). All depends on how bad it is.


Sorry Emile, nothing personal.


As much as it pains, it might be over for ESR. Too many false dawns. Him and Vieira do not contribute enough. Both can easily be replaced by a more robust player and Nwaneri.

Still a good player but heā€™s wasting a squad space.

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As much as I like ESR, and to a lesser extent, the dainty and slight Vieira, I can see Nwaneri, eclipsing their likes pretty early on next season.