David Luiz

nails, probably

Nerf guns being loaded here.

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Cat fight

Yikes, Ornsteinā€™s cred is toast


Haha Fraudstein called out.

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Sign up now for Fruadstein squad before itā€™s not cool anymore



Pokemon was my first thought. I guess were both of that generation. I was a Pokemon Red guy on the Gameboy :wright:



  • Is a fraud
  • Was always a fraud

0 voters

Haha I love one word replies.

Need to change tag to Fraudstein alliance

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It could have happened and Danny doesnā€™t want to admit Luiz made him his bitch

Well tbf, Ceballos must say itā€™s fake. We will see over the weekend if Ceballos is still Ceballos or a bitch.

Ornstein has gone downhill since joining the pathetic

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I donā€™t see much difference between old him and current him, apart from in terms of how some Arsenal fans perceive him. Still seems to do the same stuff he has done since I first became aware of him

Yeah Iā€™ve always found him annoying. He announced things about 3 weeks after other outlets and about 3 minutes before the club officially announced it, yet people went crazy for it as if he was some kind of messiah. All those Pornstein memes were cringe.


^^She wonā€™t vote but she is ā€œOrnstein was always a fraudā€ voter

Haha I missed the poll, but have voted now

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Thatā€™s something you have to thank Emilie Pankhurst for. :wink:

Sorry, I couldnā€™t resist it. :grinning:


She did a lot, mind you.

Even had a prison named after her

Iā€™ve never heard of the ā€œEmilie Prison.ā€ :grinning: