
It always seemed like a tempest in a teacup. I’d be willing to bet that it has zero effect on 90% of people.

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First murmurs of workers rights being attacked. Shits on it’s way in bucket fulls. Watch this space.



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I suppose that was always inevitable with the Tories and Brexit. It doesn’t mean per se that Brexit is a bad idea. Nothing stops us strengthening those rights. It’s why there needs to be a purposeful opposition.

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Good luck with that then. Starmer isn’t it.

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That’s partly because we’re maximising the first dose in an off-label way the vaccine creators and literally everybody else are warning might be a bad idea.

The EU countries may not need to do that because their situation isn’t as shit.

Worst country in the world for COVID-19 deaths if you account for population.

Think I want less independence in this way at least.

Also @NeedCoffee tonnes of exports are rotting away, generational family businesses in the north of Scotland are close to going bust.

Maybe it has zero effect on many people now. It will take a bit more time and then we shall see.


Pretty much. whole point behind Brexit was that Parliament, through the expression of the British electorate, would be the sovereign authority to determine these kind of issues. If the Tories are “attacking” worker rights, that good campaign point Labour in 2024 where you can draw a clear practical and ideological contrast without appearing pro EU.

Starmer is going to be in a very good place by the next GE, he’s the most competent and electable leader Labour have had since Blair. I have a lot of confidence in his ability to win on a centre left platform

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Literally everybody?! But I thought you’d been convinced it wasn’t a bad idea?

This is why we didn’t leave London. Pre-covid we were tied to our work there. But we’ve been working toward moving into remote first working so we can move out. For me it’s either our life is on London or it isn’t. I wasn’t going to pay through the roof for a train and then travel over an hour.

So hoping we are able to remain remote post covid so we can move out of London and only travel in for pleasure (football and theatre).

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Had anyone found any positives yet? Government trying to say ‘teething’ problems, but it looks like a disaster. I know only a few leave voters, and all are saying this is not what they voted for. My only question was, what did you think would happen?

The post-Brexit world is so tough for many that the government’s own trade specialists are advising afflicted British entrepreneurs to relocate some of their operations out of the UK and to the EU. This has to be one of the greater absurdities of Brexit. British companies are being told by the British government that the way to survive is to lay off British workers and transfer their jobs to folk across the Channel.


Independence for us hopefully. Then we can rejoin

If there is whiff of Scottish independence with immediate EU membership, we’d so be making the move. So much I love about Scotland, but it’s so far north. More rain and more darkness. But still so tempting even now. Although I hate the home buying process there.

Edit: nvm

It doesn’t rain as much as you think lol.

On the more darkness bit that’s also false lol it’s lighter longer haha. When I’m watching arsenal from the Emirates I can see how dark it is in London already when its still bright here haha

I mean in the winter. Shorter winter days. Of course summer days are longer. The difference in rain between Dublin and London seemed significant to me. I lived in Dublin for 3 years and it was so wet and grey. The greyness is what really gets to me. It immediately felt brighter in London when we made the move. Edinburgh was similar to Dublin (wet, grey and dark) when I visited quite a few years back in Nov, but it was a short stay. I’d love to see more of Scotland.

The weather is shite here. And the more time we spend in the union, run by cunts, the less tolerable it all becomes.


Do you like Scotland or just Scotland with good weather?

Hope you get the reference :joy:


So they delay their decision and mince around for 3 months and act like the bitter cunts they are.

I’m so shocked someone put the pikachu meme here for me.