Arthur Okonkwo

More than likely gonna be backup if we canโ€™t get 40m valued Ramsdale over the line :grin:


Hey! Arthur themetune should be his fan chant

He hasnโ€™t actually played that much as he had some mysterious issue that held him out a year or something but Iโ€™ve read that people at the club really rate Okonkwo.

To me the perfect plan would be to sign Onana, who can start training in September and playing in November, with Okonkwo as initial backup and then third choice once Onana can play. There is a little risk that Leno gets hurt very early and we have to rely on Okonkwo somewhere in the August-November window but GKs donโ€™t get hurt that often and so it seems like an acceptable gamble. Then next year you sell Leno, give the starting role to Onana, and give Okonkwo experience playing in the cups. At that point weโ€™ve got a high level 26-year-old starter and a highly rated 20-year-old backup and are basically set at keeper for a long while.


Going out on a loan it seems. Hein was supposed to be the 3rd keeper but I believe he is still recovering from his injury. Runarsson remontada?

That was quick. Fabrizio tapping it now.

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Thereโ€™s no substitute for regular football. Interested to see how this loan goes.



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Looks like a backup signing. He will need to be real good to play

Is this good enough?


Itโ€™s not. Heโ€™ll never play for us again.

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bit harsh

โ€œAgainโ€ :grinning:

I dunno. Emi had worse stinkers for us before he gained confidence on loan. Not to mention Flaphandski, who some of our fans still hail, forgetting how bad he was. Arthur is young enough and has tons of time to develop.

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Signed for Wrexham. Bye Arthur.


Another remake not as good as the original