Arsenal Kits and Merch

Yeah, I hated most of our Puma kits and we won a couple FA Cups in them.

Even our last FA Cup we won it in that shitty second Adidas kit which is unfortunate because the first one was so good, the whole set.

That’s going to be on the third kit iirc.

I guess you weren’t around in the 50s/60s but, although not on the shirt, we always had blue and white hooped socks. This whole thing of a new shirt(s) every season is just a bloody racket, anyway.

Just playing grumpy old git. :slight_smile:


I agree and yet, the collector in me just can’t stop buying merch. There should be a helpline for people like me.

Anyway, shirt is pretty good, first home kit that looks modern in a while.
Shorts are dreadful.
Red socks, love em.

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Martin even makes this look good


He’s a good looking guy that’s a cowardly move.

Get my unusual looking face out there and see if the shirts still sell.

We had some nice results with it, but I think in a few months this kit will get erased from my memory lol

Not that it’s bad or that I don’t like it (I don’t like it though) I just can’t attack it to Arsenal really.

It’s just looks like a random sports shirt to me lol
A cyclist shirt or something… :martinelli:

ffs :joy:


‘put this on, get a photo taken and then get out!’

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This Fantastic Four remake looks like it’s going to suck.


3 of those players would have decent careers at a mid premiership club but Nelson is more relagation battle player

If you wanna end up going down. There is no fight whatsoever in that dude…he cant barely kick the ball in anger.
@JakeyBoy have you used this site before? the third kit is £20 cheaper on there at the moment but I don’t know how legit it is.

Very legit.

They have actual shops in London and Manchester


damn… the fantastic four…
more like a picture showing players on our transfer list.

Martin makes everything look good tbh!

Going to say something controversial now…following the release of the formal pics and vid for the new home kit, it is kinda growing on me…going to have a look in the club shop on Sunday before I make a final judgement. I do love the return of the cannon though.

Oooooh, nice, ta for the link.

I’ve bought from them maybe 5 odd times now, definitely legit

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The blue and white on the new home shirt is quite Spursy.

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Why dont we take all the red from the shirt and put it in the shorts and socks

Don’t like it that much, but will definitely buy it. We are expecting another son in a couple of weeks time, and he needs to have the first kit to come out. This does mean that our other son would want one as well, and is expecting me to have one also. Oh well :slight_smile:

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