American Presidential Election 2024

Thank F I’ll be asleep by then :sweat_smile:


Why on Earth they’re doing it at 9pm Eastern is beyond me.

I think Harris will show well. Just a hunch

She can’t perform any worse than Biden did.

Looking forward to trump sundowning.

Idk, nothing sharpens the mind like the prospect of prison. I think he’ll keep it under wraps tonight like he did for the first debate. All he has to do is not say something offensive or ridiculous and he’ll get praised.

Another sevchenko confident prediction?

Whew, saved yourself there.

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I’m just home from work so going to stay up for a bit and watch some of this…could be tasty!

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Harris seems nervous, early jitters probably.

Trump started with the illegal immigration already even though the question is about the economy :joy:

12mins in for the first Marxist label.


I’m sure he knows his best issues are immigration and the economy. Although I’m not sure why people think he’d be good for the economy. It’d just be a huge tax cut.

Edit: I’m not sure where this idea that babies are born and then executed came from on the right. That’s literal murder. It’s always been illegal.

Edit Edit: At least the moderator had the guts to mention that it wasn’t true.


Proof that Trump is an idiot. He literally thinks babies are being aborted after birth. Wow.
Trump looks rattled now. Harris is slowly starting to push his buttons.

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Harris improving now.

The goofy bastard said Harris was giving immigrant criminals transgender surgery in jail :arteta:

He’s just playing paranoid racist bingo.

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Trump still denying he lost the election. Christ.

Trump dodged that racial identity question like the matrix

“I got involved with the Taliban”-Donald Trump


Election over


I can’t believe Taylor Swift won the election :grinning:

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Very poor showing for Trump

Harris held up

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