You mean Sunday is an actual day?! This is news to me.

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Good ol calum

Oh and there are also wine based drinks like spritzers ect which are pretty damn good as well. I reckon you’d also like Sangria a lot Luke.

15% ! Thats good stuff !

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Yeah it’s no joke. 4 ounces is a standard cocktail and both those are 200ml containers so you basically get 2 cocktails in each unit. They only cost about $4 here so the value is good and the quality is surprising for the cost. Can’t go wrong on them tbh. This is what I do for a living and those little babies make me a shit ton of money, they sell like hot cakes 🖒🖒 :grin::grin:


you own a bar?


No I work for a big distribution company over here. We sell wine, spirits, beer, mixers, pretty much everything you could imagine that coincides with alcohol consumption. I work with a lot of bars/restaurants, liquor stores, and markets. I mentioned they make me money because I get paid commission :grin:


Was just thinking of the Purple Jesus parties we used to have back in the late 70s and 80s. Purple Jesus uses grape juice, but I don’t see why you couldn’t make it Orange Jesus with orange juice. We used to buy a new garbage can, wash it thoroughly, and fill it with grain alcohol (151 proof), Welch’s grape juice and a variety of fresh fruit that settled nicely on the bottom. But I don’t suppose you’d have to make a trash bin full. Seems the recipe was simple. Basically one 5th of grain alcohol for every bottle of Welch’s grape juice.

On the other hand, if you’re not a drinker you really shouldn’t start. It’s not nearly as cool as it might seem. You may even end up regretting it later.

Get a mojito down your chops and I guarantee you’ll be hooked!

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Orange juice you say? Add some vodka, ice and voila - you have a so called screwdriver cocktail. (And a feeling of being back in the 80’s as well).

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Pretty much beer for me and if I’m to bloated by that I’ll have vodka and soda water.

Love a mojito lol

But you can still do all of that, if you’re not into drinking? Like, is it really all about the drink, or just hanging out with your friends that matters more? I know it’s probably not the same if someone’s not having any alcohol or whatever, but I never really understood why that should matter really.

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Little bit of both. The night would be boring af if we didn’t drink lol

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Yeah I agree with @Calum

I’ve done a few evenings in the past at the pub going booze free where I’ve tried going on a health kick/detox and it gets to a point where conversation begins to get very difficult :joy: Being the only sober one is a lonely, lonely place.


Don’t start :slight_smile:


Imo orange juice and liquor don’t mix well at all. Screwdrivers and Tequila sunrise’s are both kinda nasty. However this opinion might be due to me getting absolutely smashed on Screwdrivers when I was 18 years old in Tijuana, which resulted in me puking all over a little taco shop and nearly being put in a Mexican prison by the federalis :joy::joy:

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Step up and have 2 of the world’s best:



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This topic was enough to tempt me


64 oz Gatorade/1 lb French fries/8 Advil/as many bong rips as you can handle = hangover gone

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