2020 United States Presidential Election

You can see Biden as the lesser evil. Trump is actively looking to undermine democracy


Where I lived is what would determine how I voted. If I was in New York or Alabama where my vote wouldn’t mean shit I’d probably vote for neither but if there was any chance of a close run thing I’d vote Biden.


I don’t live in the US, so I wont be voting for either. If I did? I’d still not vote for either of them.

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My girlfriend is registered in Florida and will vote for Biden but only because it’s a swing state.

She doesn’t like either of them and I think she’d be a lot more inclined not to vote for them if it wasnt for the fact that her vote will be in a swing state.

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Lol he wasn’t the grand wizard but he still was a member and recruiter of the kkk and Biden still eulogize for him. I do know that he opposed same sex marriage (he criticized bill Clinton pushed for )and he was part of the longest filibuster in history by the Democratic Party in 1964 when it came to civil rights. Don’t assume I don’t know who I’m taking about

You don’t though, you repeated a tweet and have now had to google the individual after being corrected.

The individual was a reformed racist. He was also Biden’s colleague and hence Biden read a eulogy. It’s a none story.

Pretty much all of US politics bar Bernie were against same sex marriage for the most part up until the last 15 years or so.


Wait a reformed racist :joy: who was part of the longest filibuster in us history and that was to do with the civil rights bill a none story ok buddy.
I was the one who brought Byrd up and no I do not have tweeter for the last time how many times do I need to tell you this. I heard the story and looked him up. Yes there was mis info which ocke corrected me on. Other than that I know who the guy is

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Im not assuming anything. I thought it was rather clear.

But that’s Byrd though, people change throughout their life but even if he was racist, that’s not on Biden. You’re trying to pass off guilty by association because Biden talked at a colleagues funeral.

Meanwhile in African American Georgia districts, Republicans make voters wait for 13 hours in line to vote, in order to discourage their vote. And you’re silent about it.


You are the epitome of a bad faith actor with your argument. You don’t want to talk about Trump vs Biden so you change the conversation to “look at who Biden did a eulogy for” knowing damn well you don’t personally care. If you did you wouldn’t be drawing an equivalency between a President who is actively employing white supremacist policy and rhetoric to a dead racist (former or otherwise) who wasn’t nearly as powerful.

Right wingers employ this tactic all the time. It’s what-aboutism and attempting to weaponize morality.

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I think your reading is off my guy Joshua said “Nobody’s excited about Biden as a candidate but at the very least Biden isn’t going to play footsie with white nationalists“
Which is why I brought up Robert Byrd who was a white supremist and part off the kkk.

Robert Byrd was a racist who was part of the filibuster to stop the 1964 civil rights bill. So because he was not president means it was ok for him to oppose it? I’m the bad faith actor when all you do is lean on right wing this or that not even looking at the fact presented to you. Biden eulogized and called a man who was a known racist/white supremist a mentor and a friend. While in the breath saying Donald trump is employing racist policy (please list some I may have genuinely miss those as I don’t follow every single policy the American president enacts) and rhetoric.

You can’t say I’m not going to vote for a guy that cozies up to white supremist. then say I’ll vote for Biden who has :man_shrugging:t5:

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Nahh I got you pegged. Your premise is somehow Biden plays footsy with white nationalist therefore he is either the same or worse than Trump. If you’re going to draw an equivalency between Biden and Donald Trump bring something up like Biden’s role in the '94 crime bill or bussing in the late 70s/80s. You give yourself away by making it about another guy who did something and not even someone you can say was an unapologetic racist to the end.

Trump gives out direct messages to white supremacists talking about superior genetics at rallies and creating cover for hate crimes committed by nazi scum like the proud boys. He can’t even disavow them when asked. I’m not about to write a dissertation for you but below is a small sample of Trumps heinous bigotry in action.

Policy–Muslim ban. Increased detention and child separation, attacks on legal immigration from “shite-hole countries” as he put it.

  • taking out ads to execute black kids falsely accused
  • racist housing policies throughout his entire career in realestate
    Rhetoric–They’re bringing crime, they’re rapists yada yada
  • good people on both sides yada yada
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To add to the list:

He wouldn’t condemn white supremacy

His lawyer said he regularly uses the N word.

He said all Haitans had AIDs and in the same interview said Nigerian immigrants ‘would never go back to their huts in Africa’

He’s said to have had black staff removed out of sight when his guests were around.

He called a large black community, a ‘shithole’

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I’ve heard all these before bar the kids which I’ll look into and Also the superior genetics also.

Firstly proud boys leader is a Afro Cuban and there a many in there like him who are not white (looks Like the proud boys are pretty bad at being white supremist with a black latino leader🤷🏾‍♂️)

Muslim ban was in name only but was a ban on countries that were hostile or at war with America (check the list of countries on there).

The racist housing thing there are to many contradictory statements out to nail down so I need to look more into that one

They’re criminals etc I’ve watch the whole bloody speech and maybe you should do the same along with the good people on both sides (but you won’t) because you would not even brings those up (tells me I’m bad faith actor :joy:)

The whole shit hole countries is he wrong? Is Somalia and some other 3rd countries bastĂłn of civilization or shit hole countries like most of us think they are? Or is it because he is a white male he is not allowed to say what most people think of those countries?

Thanks for taking your mask off and confirming you’re an apologist for bigotry. You’re response ranges from “I’m not sure about that bruh” to “Nahh bruh look it up” to “Bruh freedom of speak bruh”.

Nahh bruh, you look up why you don’t have to be white to be a white supremacist or what empires do in developing nations or why speech has consequences–especially for political leaders.

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When did apologies for “bigotry”? Should I not look into something if I do not know the facts? Should I not tell you look up the whole speech if it’s been proven they have been taken out of context?
It’s coming across to me you just want people to nod and agree with you and not challenge inform or themselves

Notice @ryaninho is ignoring the voter supression of black people. He doesn’t care about it.

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Sorry I missed that I can only have one conversation at a time but since you brought it up again it’s something I don’t know and will look into and respond to in due time just sit tight my dude

Ok so I read few news pieces on both side of the aisle. What I gathered from them on the situation is that there is more enthusiasm to vote to the point where people were turning up even before polling stations were open. Even nbc report had an an interview from a voter which echoed the enthusiasm there was behind voting this year. Apparently there were a few technical issues that made people wait a bit more but the kept on going. Yes they added garbage from Twitter saying long que equals voter suppression ignoring the fact more people came out despite Covid. I’m sure it’s a good thing more people are coming out to vote and are willing to wait exercise they right to do so. This is one of the reasons I stay off Twitter anyone could have a garbage take to fit they narrative. Like I told you before mail voting affect black and Latinos hence the high number of black voters were there in person

I love it how the two candidates have a combined age totaling 151 years.