US Police and Black People

FBI reports


Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks committed half of homicides in the United States for nearly 30 years. Source -

in 2013, black criminals committed 38% of the murders. Whites accounted for just 31 percent.

PS - Keep in mind Black population stands at 12%, yet they match the reported crime committed by white population, which stands at 63%.

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And you don’t think black people are treated any differently than white people when it comes to crime?

I already said they are scrutinized more than white people.
I just think that caution is justified given the stats.

Just because few cops take an advantage of that caution, doesn’t mean the whole department is racist.

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And you don’t think the stats themselves are a reflection of the institutionalised racism within the police force and overall judicial system?

Say we accomodate around 20% for false reporting & biased punishment,
The overall crime in 2012 will reduce by 1106, which means the overall crime committed stills stands at 4425, which is comparable with white crime at 4582.

Still a high proportion of crime given the population count is just 12% of overall population.

Erm ok

In his defence Trion is simply can’t help bieng racist, he lives in one of the most class concious racist countries in the world . The caste system is still alive and unwell in India and class divide produces an uncaring blindness for poverty and keeps alive the status quo,bit like the USA .
For him its more conditioning ,aftter all Ghandi thought Black people in Africa were savages !
There is open season on Blacks right now in the USA and as they rise up and revolt more laws will be past taking what few remaining liberties for all americans.
The future is bleak we are in dark times , perpetual war is a cornerstone of the New World Order ,by keeping the populace at each others throats the governent can run round and whip the carpet from under all of us while we sleep .


Indians are inherently racist but I don’t think what I have said in this thread is racism.
I called them aggressive & more prone to commit crime, & have already provided the stats for it.

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See you don’t notice your doing it !:gunnersaurus:

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If I say Blacks are aggressive, I am racist.
If someone says all cops are racist, is he not being discriminatory as well?

We are all born naked with no fear or predjudice but our environments sculpt us just as much our Genes do .
Black people in the USA are criminalised before they are born and they will be targeted by Society and the Police until they are found guilty of something in a way white people just wont be !

You can throw stats up all you like but the fact is whites are scared of black people and untill that changes things will never get better as anyone who is scared will shoot first and think after !


Sigh, Everyone seems quite keen to swipe black crime under the carpet & be blind to that parameter of the argument.
Fair enough.

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In the NFL unlike the NBA , its in their rules that you don’t have to stand for the national anthem and its up to you to do it or not . This is a choice , however the NFL encourages you to stand . So if the police union is giving them an order then that goes against NFL rules . So the players can take a knee or not stand if they want to . I have no issue with what they are doing , sometimes you just have to pay attention to the things around you and say " This isn’t right " .

A year ago I held up the running of a bus because the bus driver kept kicking my sister off the bus and one time he made her tap in and then kicked her off . The whole bus came up against me and I told them where to go . That bus driver had to call his manager to ask him what to do and in the end he was made to apologise to my sister for what he did . Bus driver was such an ass . To this day I say nothing to him and he says nothing to me . I even know where he lives but I wont take it to any level . We tried to report him but I figured they would try to make it blow over so I took a direct approach and confronted the driver .

I didnt say that Black people dont commit crimes ,but in America its a crime to be Black ,Its a crime to be poor If your both your chances arent good ! Big business makes money from crime and poverty !

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I think @Trion actually has some fair points. People are so quick to pull the race card it’s ridiculous tbh, and the pulling of the race card really is a lazy way to try to understand the situation. Black unarmed people as a percentage get shot more often than whites, fact. Black people commit more crimes than whites, fact. Albeit it’s really not that big of a percentage more per population. Then you’ve got a situation like we’ve got in Charlotte right now. Another unarmed man killed, but this time by a black cop. So are we to assume this is another case of blatant racism?

I’ve experienced a lot of cops in this country and I would never stick up for them tbh. They are imo a group of power hungry assholes. I’ve been harassed by cops a lot through my life. Just for being young and being out late with friends presumably because there was no just cause ever to question me or perform a traffic stop on me. Yet I get pulled out of the car threatened to have k-9 units released on me etc for doing absolutely nothing, just so the cops could dig through my car and look for drugs or alcohol or whatever. So trust me I know just how corrupt these guys can be, still though their job has to massively hard considering our stupid gun laws in this country. I think I can put myself in that situation and imagine myself getting shot as well had I not been as cooperative. A lot of unarmed white people get shot as well. To completely ignore race in this issue would be wrong however it’s not the be all end all in the conversation.

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But you can’t say that. You can certainly say the statistics show this. You can certainly say the demographics of the prison population show this.

Sadly both of those are borne from an institutionally racist judicial system. I would argue, quite strongly, that if you had a system that ignored colour, the statistics would show that colour actually had very little to do with crime figures. You’d find more correlation with wealth and education, not skin pigment.


If pulling the race card means reminding people of the inequalities of america and having the guts to stand up to oppression then I’m all for it !

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Now we are getting to the heart of the matter. The issue here is that these things are kind of mutually exclusive unfortunately, and that’s where the issue really lies. Once again I’m going into more stats here but black people the US also have a higher rate of single parent families meaning no dads. When the family institution breaks down, that leads to poverty, which leads to crime. Black people in this country have been fucked over for hundreds of years no doubt. Once civil rights laws became a thing the Democrats here sought other ways to keep black people enslaved. So they ruined these communities through welfare, instead of seeking a legitimate way of solving the problems.

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White people definately get away with more crime because they are not targeted by the police and even if caught doing something illegal stand a much better chance of not being charged with a crime

The stats show black people are arrested more not that they commit more crime

@draytons analysis is spot on here

I think you’l find they ruined the communities by flooding them with drugs and destroying the education system in the inner cities !

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