The weather


Never enjoyed rain, thunder an lightning as much as I am tonight roll on the good nights sleep :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:




It’s too hot. I’ve actually started swearing at the sun now.

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Wordt part about the heat is how lazy i get. Just takin a dump is hard in these conditions.

Yep, fucking bloody sick of it now i dont mind warmth with a nice gentle breeze but this shit for weeks on end and this dank heavy shitty humid fucking crap with with no rain i am so over it now just fuck off already.

Heat is killing me here. 35 degrees and nowhere to go.

At first I loved it but now I just want it to be windy and fucking rain for a couple of days.

I need some respite.


Seems a few people are coming round to my way of thinking haha.

This shit needs to end.

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The day time heat dont bother me. My job involves me to be out and about all day so it’s lovely.

It’s the humid nights that are a killer. Love a cold bed!

We do nothing but moan about how shit the weather is in this country, yet, when we get a decent sunny period, all people can do is feckin moan even more…

Long may this heatwave continue, its a glorious summer, lets enjoy it…

My tan is better than ever…:sunglasses:

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We’ve backed off a bit from the low 30s here and are down around the low 20s now.

I don’t complain though, because November will be round soon enough with its snow and temperatures will stay sub-zero until March. In amongst that will be the cold snaps and it’ll drop to around the -30 to -40 range.

We don’t call this the Cold Ass Prairie for nothing.

Respite has arrived, at least for me.

Jealous? :arteta: :henry2:

If this carries on I might actually consider making my dream move to Iceland. If I wanted to live somewhere hot and sweaty I’d have moved somewhere hot and sweaty already. I’m not sure I’ll ever look at this country the same again.

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Gone from living in the Norwegian Arctic circle to this. I’m dying :joy::joy:


We actually live in a hot country now. I love it.

The worse thing about this sun is that its turned me even more into an alcoholic and Im spending a fuck tonne more money then normal.


The actual state of you all. I’d love to have this weather again :joy:

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Same here, I hate looking at the groceries section of my banking app because I know 80% of the cost is booze :sob::sob:e

Haha I get why other people love it, despite feeling the opposite it seems logical to me that people would love having a properly hot summer.

I’m just not built for this heat and I think it sucks when you’re in a city and have to commute and its in the mid thirties on a train. I enjoyed it this weekend on the Isle of Wight. If you’re by the sea with a cool breeze and a nice cold bev in your hand it’s pretty great, but when you have to go to work and commute, not so much.

I don’t want it to be 5 degrees and constantly raining. I just want a period of it being like 15/6 degrees, it’s far more manageable, you can still walk around in just a t shirt and enjoy a nice pub garden after work :ok_hand:

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