U.S. Politics

But they are the two people most responsible for us leaving the EU.
Possibly the most important referendum for this country, and those two clowns had the biggest influence.
There is no doubting the stupidity and gullibility of the voting public, and Farage and Johnson, despite their lack of credentials, capitalised on their greed and ignorance.

Boris does run the Foreign Office.

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OK so many things wrong here. First off “trickle down” is a term created by politicians in an attempt to discourage an economic system called “supply side economics”. Personal tax breaks for the 1% is a myth. Supply side economics is a lot more intricate than that. It’s what our country was built on. As of now the taxes in this country don’t favor businesses so they just leave and take jobs with them. But that wouldn’t hurt our economy now would it?

Secondly what is your obsession with obamacare and welfare? Obamacare is a giant fail that puts nothing but strain onto the working class citizen, and small business owner. Obamacare is putting insurance companies out of business and because of forcing said insurers to take patients with pre existing conditions it’s raised premiums to insane levels. I work with small business owners and many of them now pay more for health insurance than the mortgage on their home lol.

I’d disagree with that. There’s been 30 years of right wing media spin attacking the EU as an institution. Years and years of the right wing media blaming our problems on immigrants. Farage was pandered to by the media because of this and became a mouthpiece for it but the seeds were already sewn.

As an institution the EU is a corrupt heavily beaucratic beast. There’s countless legislation that puts small businesses out of business. For instance many safe nutritional supplements can’t be sold now and many seeds can’t be sold. There’s agreements like TTIP that would look to force the NHS to tender contracts to big US, making any privatisation irreversable.

So leaving the EU won’t all be negatives despite the lack of informed voters out there.

It’s rather disgusting the fact that a population needs a good insurance to be able to receive the best care. Even more disgusting is the fact it’s spreading through out the western world. That’s the main issue. And if you think it’s bad that insurance companies are going out of business…well just…

Is this real life? Who said that insurance isn’t a scam? The whole medical field and insurance thing is obviously a scam and health care should be either much more affordable or provided by the government. However when I get billed about $40,000 for my wife to deliver a baby and stay in the hospital for a couple days, is that something that an everyday middle class person can afford? Atm it’s a necessary evil. Insurance companies going out of business and leaving a lot of people uninsured is terrible, you feel differently?

The whole situation is rather sick. The fact that you get billed $40.000 is even more sick and absurd. But maybe I’m spoiled by living in a country where giving birth is free, emergency care is free and a doctors apointment costs $15-30. If your under 20 years old it’s all free. Dental is free too, until the year you turn 25. We have insurances too, if you want a faster planned surgery etc. But everyone gets the best available care eventually. So yes I find the whole system of health care in the US disgusting.
So no, I think it’s awful how people get billed and can’t afford to pay when their insurance company goes under. But the whole system you have is to blame and needs to be changed, even though it seems unlikely.

Well that’s what Bernie’s vision is or was. Someone actually trying to improve the country what a novel idea. However he was fought tooth and nail by the democratic establishment and superpacs that stand to lose too much money and their influence when special interests are a thing of the past. Another reason I despise Clinton. The election was rigged from the start in her favor and she’s basically the definition of a corrupt politician, ya know the whole face next to the definition in the dictionary type thing.

So which Scandanavian country do you live in? People are so fucking stupid in this country, when Bernie was attempting to educate people, all the media here wanted to focus on was how he’s a socialist.

Im not saying he doesnt have a business or that he isnt a vile piece of shit ,not at all !
But he isnt mainstream republican and may not tow the lines to those who run the show thus Hillary is their candidate. Thats all ! Theres a wealth of shit on the guy but why doesn that come out now

-Wikileaks publishes Podesta emails.

  • RT writes column about the emails
  • Some time later, Wikileaks tweets that they’ve published emails.
  • Clinton campaign take that to mean RT knew about the emails and their contents before wikileaks did.

Is this big news over there in the EU? The media almost completely ignores this here. Literally you can see graphics of how much time CNN dedicate to certain topics. Nine minutes dedicated to Trump and his sexual behavior and 30 seconds on the emails. Oh and of course no mention of Hillary commenting that we should take military action on Russia for their cyber attacks.

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I have no idea mate sorry. I’m subscribed to many news channels on Youtube and that’s where I saw it. :slight_smile:

However…RT have made more than one report video on it.

I don’t think Clinton will let Russia get away with the hacking should she win the election. It’s quite a big breach of national security

I don’t doubt CNN have a bias towards Clinton/Democrats but the difference in air time is also down to the nature of the two scandals. People are more interested in sex scandals than tech scandals to do with emails and hacking etc.

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Yeah you are right about that. However Clinton has her own sex scandal that’s being ignored. Well her protection of Bill and intimidation of the women who accuse her husband for doing shit much worse than Trump.

Is that news though? As in is anything currently surfacing, or is it all stuff that came to light in the past?

Can you link me to anything about it?


Have to be embarrassing for Americans having to decide which sex offender to choose :joy:

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In all fairness Hillary isn’t a sex offender she’s just accused of trying to cover it up while championing herself as the all time protector of Women around the world. At least we all pretty much knew Trump was a scum bag from the start and he never acted like he was a saint.

Thanks to Trump being the biggest cunt in the world, the idiot Democrips baiting of Russia about these emails and the DNC hack is worryingly going under the radar.

Hillary’s foreign policy is very very questionable and this indicates that we shouldn’t have much hope in it improving. Strange times when the Republicans are les hawkish and interventionalist than the Democrats.