The randomly nothing thread

Bullshit, you’re a likeslut and you know it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You can unlike on here. I’ve had the same issue. :slight_smile:

That’s the one. I click the logo button.

Lol fair. Do they still get notification if i’ve liked a post but then unlike it?

I havent a clue.

Give this a like/unlike and ill let you know. :slight_smile:

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Did it work? :wink:

[quote=“Mysty, post:108, topic:366, full:true”]

The notification popped up but did disappear once youd unliked it. So they’ll only see it if they happen to be online at the time of the accidental liking. :slight_smile:

Holy moly. Has that been the case the whole time? I didn’t know you could unlike.

lol at people just realising this now. :joy:


350 years ago London was ablaze. Tonight an artwork depicting London in 1666 was set on fire on the Thames to commemorate that event.

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Should’ve just burnt white hart lane


the Arsenal War Chest found in Greewich not far from the Old Dockyard !


WTF 'Murica?

To soon I guess?


Euro motherfuckers. :bellerin:


That’s funny that Portugal asks, “why are the English cry babies?”

Haven’t they ever watched their biggest sportstar Ronaldo?
The biggest cry baby of them all.

It’s also a bit hypocritical for the Dutch to say we are ugly.
They might have had some great artists, but as for their people, they are no oil pantings.

I like how countries like Finland* and Denmark ask actual questions. Whereas Spain just calls us strange. :joy:

*Though not Finland obviously…As Finland doesn’t exist.

Yes, Why do Englishmen wear wigs?

what is this shit?

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HEY! You’re Indian, Not European. You don’t get to ask questions. :wink:

I like those wigs though? Snazzy as fuck.


Went on holiday to a friend’s family’s house in the French countryside, we stayed up too late outside drinking and playing music. The neighbours must have complained so the next day the local police officers popped round to warn us about the noise and as they left one of them muttered something about “rosbif”

I’m not even remotely offended by it, I find it hilarious that the French call us that lol

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It’s basically like calling them ‘frogs’ or something isn’t it? Lol