The randomly nothing thread

Anything for a partridge reference :joy: definitely looks like heā€™s modelled himself on this though haha.


Edit: ffs @will24 :joy:

Hahaha sorry Jakey :joy: it was an easy take!

Gotta love the relevant Partridge posts that have appeared on OA lately :smiley:

That is some fucking creepy stuff.

My shrine to you know who is much better than that. :bellerin:

How does one explain that away? Thatā€™s just super weird.

I donā€™t know how people can eat at McDonalds.


All that quality Ben merch and only Ā£5000? Bargain.

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McDonaldā€™s at 3am after a night out is one of lives greatest things :sunglasses:

Maybe Iā€™m just a gym snob lol but I canā€™t touch that.


Well, just trying to be kind :wink:

Try a Mcgangbang next time :henry:

Funny thing about the McDonaldā€™s convo is that here in the states they are going the opposite way instead of a self serve, they are bringing the food to your table over here :joy:

Real enjoyable MDC that! From SRCJJ calling the comeback. Jake winning money. And the random chats and topics afterwards going on until nearly midnight :smiley:

I particularly enjoyed the moment where @AbouCuellar realised thereā€™s no way any of his photos have completely gone from the system, despite otherwise :arteta:

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A lot more enjoyable when both Calum and Persona arenā€™t around.

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What? Surely you jest.

Least I never uploaded that dick pic I was about to post.

Can we have this as a smily to post i think it would be cool


Good one, and we donā€™t have a Gabriel smiley either!!

will fit a post if we have utter disgust or something

could see it in a post like ā€˜FFS spurs just beat usā€™

You have a shrine to Voldemort?

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