The Academy Awards (Oscars)

And that performance was actually below average. It’s a popular episode of Friends, but his acting in that was pretty poor. Though he didn’t have decent material to work with to be fair, his character was pathetic.

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Just out of curiosity, how do you rate all of the Friends actors, from best to worst?

Just asking because while I agree with you about Brad Pitt not being in the same league as Leo when it comes to acting, I dunno how his performance in that episode could have been any better.

The Academy Awards should be scrapped. It’s the epitome of decadence.


The Oscars is so cringy.
I’ve just seen bits of it on the news and it’s everything Ricky Gervais describes the Golden Globes as being.
As if these pampered, entitled performers need their egos inflated anymore.


What?! That is simply not true!

He gets so much shit for being a pretty face but he’s actually a very talented actor.

He’s underrated as far as acting ability goes tbh


Perhaps I haven’t seen enough of him then. Which Oscar-worthy film of his would you recommend I watch?

I mean I don’t necessarily agree with the Oscars being a good judge of a films true worth but he was great in:

  • Burn After Reading
  • Moneyball
  • Se7en
  • Meet Joe Black
  • Fury
  • Inglorious Bastards
  • Spy Game
  • Snatch (!!!)
  • Fight Club
  • Seven Years In Tibet

I also really liked him in the Ocean’s Trilogy but they’re a guilty pleasure of mine.


If Brad Pitt was less pretty, he would be more appreciated for his acting.


First non-English language film to win Best Picture.

I like Brad Pitt and the film is fine too, but I wouldn’t particularly highlight it as being a great performance of his by any stretch. He chews every damn bit of that nazi scenery to death.

Christopher Waltz in that film however, now that’s more like what I’d call a great performance.

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I’ve seen most of them. I wasn’t even saying he was a shit actor, I was more questioning the point that he “finally” got his Oscar, as if has deserved one. I haven’t seen a performance from him where I have thought “wow, he is up there with the very best”. He is good in my opinion, but that’s it.

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That’s the whole point though, he’s supposed to over-act in that role.

And he does it so well. He’s a caricature of that kind of John Wayne military character that used to be so prevalent.


Nice of them to let Parasite win instead of the expected 1917.

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I’ve never really liked the yearly single award system of recognising and appreciating film, it does exactly the opposite.

There’s should be a set standard where films are elevated into “winner” status in each category after a set period of time following release. Kinda similar to how the US film registry works

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I get that, I just don’t think that kind of performance qualifies as great. It’s easy to go that big.

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Pitt has been in some very good films like, Spy Game, Seven, True Romance, Babel and several others.
He’s might not be in the same league as De Niro, Pacino, Nicholson, Oldman, Di Caprio etc, but he’s not far off.
He also seems like a decent bloke as well when I’ve seen him interviewed.
He doesn’t come over like some ego maniac like most Hollywood stars do.

I think the Oscars are overrated anyway.
To be a film actor isn’t as difficult as stage acting and no matter how good an actor you are, if the script is poor, the director isn’t any good and with bad editing, no amount of acting ability is going to change that.


I always found it funny that Matthew McConaughey was phoning it in while in a shit romcom purgatory for like a decade.

Then he randomly comes out the mud, literally. Puts in some world class performances for a couple years, snakes the Oscar meant for Leo and then fucks off back again :wenger2:

What a guy. This comes in my mind whenever you guys talk about leo lol.


Oh it’s permanently on my mind :bellcry:

This guy is responsible for some of the worst films ever made – most notably Failure To Launch with Sarah Jessica Parker – yet he won a best actor Oscar before Leo!

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The Mcconaissance!


imo he was good in True Detective first season, better than in any film. I rarely think actors do a convincing job (I’m a bit of a dick on that topic) but his performance there was good. Also think Brad Pitt was good in Once… but still, wasn’t Leo even better? the scene when he’s on the chair in that empty house was really good.