Stranger Things

Good ending to episode 1


Definitely not as good as the first two series but still good television.

A 4th series would seem a bit silly at this stage.

Ha they’ll be in uni by the time it ends, it’s one of Netflix’s most succesful shows are they are in dire need of hits since they’re losing some big shows such as Friends.

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I’m sure you’re right. They’ve overkilled pretty much everything else they’ve made.

I hope not, should be no more two seasons left otherwise could very well jump the shark.

Dnt know they killed Saint clarity diet an thag could have had one more season to wrap things up.

I belive I read somewere that the duffer brothers only want to make 5 series so only 2 more to go an that should be enough to wrap everything up.

They’ve wrapped everything up three times already. :slight_smile:

But we need a series 4 to find out who the American is an how Russia captured a demogogon an if el will get her powers back :grin:

To many loose ends their not to have another season

I’m happy with not knowing any of that.

Just threw it behind some spoilers as it’s still relatively new out. :slight_smile:

Cheers was going to spoiler tag it but figured everyone seen it by now.

I don’t even remember season 2 which in itself is a testament to how good it must have been, but season 3 is no where near as spooky and dark as season 1.

I did entirely enjoy the Terminator references though.

3 episodes in so far and the story is coming together quickly now. Feels a bit of a slow burner at this point.

Five episodes in, not the best stuff but still watchable.

I actually enjoyed this way more than the bland second season. It’s obviously a lot more tongue in cheek.

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I liked the storytelling bits of second season explaining the upside down or what not.
That was missing in this one.

Whatever though find a new variant of the monster. Will be too much repition if it supposed to go on for 2 more.

What the hell is Back to the Future doing being screened in 1984?

Wasn’t it released in cinema in 1985? To tie in with the actual year in the film?

Pretty lame blooper on the part of stranger things

The year in S3 is 1985.

I thought it said 1984 when series 3 episode 1 started.

My bad

It did but that was to introduce the Russian powerplant and after that it proceeded from one year later with the kids.